Payment of multiple invoices where some of the invoices are only part paid

how do you make a bulk payment of multiple invoices where some of the invoices are only part paid and some are fully paid

for example £1000 received from customer in one payment to pay the following invoices

invoice total £100 need to pay £100
Invoice total £250 need to pay £150
invoice total £500 need to pay £400
invoice total £50 need to pay £50
Invoice total £800 need to pay £300

I don’t think you can do that, if you pay down multiple invoices in one go QuickFile will always pay them off in full from oldest to newest. If you want to assign specific amounts like this then the only way is to split the bank payment and apply the payments individually.

thanks for your help that is a pain hopefully this feature will be added in the future as i receive payments from several customers where they pay 20 or so invoices in a bulk payment where some of the invoicie’s will only be partially paid

Hi @jayfray

Generally speaking, as @ian_roberts mentioned, payments are marked down on a “first in, first out” basis (oldest to newest).

It’s unlikely that this will change I’m afraid.

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