Payment Terms / HTML Footer

We sell internationally in different currencies and have different payment terms and have different bank accounts for customers to pay us when invoicing for example in GBP, $US or Euros.

Ideally I would like the invoice to have the relevant payment terms and bank details on the bottom either based on the currency of the invoice being created or by being able to choose a particular template to use for that one invoice. How we achieved this previously in Sage Instant accounts was by creating different invoice templates and selecting the appropriate template for the currency/country required.

I have been playing with customising invoices using CSS and although I can create custom invoices it seems if I select a custom template it then uses that template on all invoices and not just the invoice I am creating at that time.

Is there a way of achieving what I need that I am not seeing, the multiple currency feature is great but I do not believe it is unusual to want to have some different information such as bank account or payment details on invoices depending which country/currency you are dealing with.

I’m afraid this is not something that is possible at this current time. Right now it is possible to configure only one set of default payment terms.

One solution that would work is to simply make a copy of a previous invoice that bear the payment terms you wish to reuse. You can make a copy of an invoice by clicking on the orange chasing arrows on the main list, this will take you straight to the invoice modification screen so you can update as needed.

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