Payment type from receipt hub

When you enter a new transaction from the receipt hub, you can mark it as paid in full and enter where it was paid from, so you can choose Directors Loan Account, or Current Account. But you cant choose the payment type, it automatically chooses ‘Bank Transfer’ Would it be possible to add that as an option when entering payments in this way?

Hello @philingle

We can certainly consider adding this. It is worth noting however that this doesn’t affect your accounts in anyway, it’s just for reference, but I appreciate that some users do use this.

We’ll leave this thread open for others to add their comments.

Given that it is just for reference I reckon a free text box would be more appropriate. I always use Bank transfer, and I always think “how pointless”, because it never is a bank transfer!

Hi @Healthpay

Generally it’s not used but it’s there if users wish to use it. As it’s a fixed list, you can actually perform searches on this from within your account.

We can certainly consider changing this to a free text box - but you may wish to post a separate feature request so we can track the interest in this.