Hi, i am having problems with the pdf rendering of the invoice. The item table is overlapping the address and invoice details sections after moving them around.
I have tried to add space, amend heights and change postioning to absolute on all the items but the table still overlaps.
It’s best to position elements using position: absolute;
, then top: 200px; left; 100px;
for the x, y positioning.
The PDF rendering engine is quite simplistic and can differ a great deal from your browser’s interpretation, which would be far more sophisticated.
I can take a look for you if you wish, I will copy your template (preserving the original) and go from there, just let me know if that’s ok?
Yes please Glenn, what information do you need?
I located the account and fixed the spacing issue.
It seems the PDF generator doesn’t like min-height:
so I changed it to height:
. This was in the invoice-header-region
Thanks Glenn, that is brilliant.
Min-height was part of the base template, which worked fine, so never thought to change it.
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