PDF Invoices

Our suppliers tend to send us 1 PDF file that can have up to 10 invoices in the file.
When we send it to receipt hub it only allows us the option of inputting the details of 1 invoice but it is still a PDF of all 10.
Is there anyway that we can input all the invoices from 1 PDF.


Hi @misha,

I believe you would have to split the pdf before sending it to the receipt hub for it to recognise them as separate invoices.

Thanks Beth

Dont suppose you know an easy way to do that do you?

There are tools that can split the pages of a multi-page PDF into separate files, which might work if each of the 10 is exactly one page. For example you can do this with Automator on Mac OS X or the command line pdfseparate tool on Linux (or Mac too), Iā€™m not sure what the equivalent is on Windows.

Hi Ian

Thanks we just found a program on line and its worked perfectly. Even better it was free!!

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