I accidentally uploaded my bank statement to my petty cash account.
after deleting the transactions I think i must have deleted a transaction that I shouldn’t have because I now have more cash on hand than my account says.
I have no idea where to start looking to correct this?
Reconcile your records
If you have a record of your petty cash elsewhere (e.g. you know what you’ve taken daily from till readouts, and you know your deposits from the bank statements), then reconciling your records could be useful - it depends on how many transactions you have. Take a look here for more info
Back Ups
Similar to the reconciling option, if you have monthly/weekly back ups enabled, you would have a record of the petty cash account in there, which you could use to match up missing entries etc.
Does your database keep track of the timestamp when a particular transaction was added to the bank account (as distinct from the date of the transaction), and would it be possible to expose this somehow in the interface? Maybe as an additional column hidden by default? That way, when accidents like this happen you can just sort by date of addition and bulk delete all the mistaken ones.
We do store the time a transaction was added, although it’s not directly exposed within the application. I’m not sure exactly how we’d introduce this column with refactoring the view significantly, we’d need to hide the balance column and limit a few other options for this to work. I agree it could be useful though!