Polish characters in Contact Name


Is it possible to put polish charakters in contact name like łęąść? I tried using html codes, but it couses application error.

Thank You very much.

Sławomir Gołąbek

Hi @Slawek_Golabek

I’ve just tried with the example you posted łęąść which is converted to standard English letters (leasc), but I’ll certainly pass this request to our development team to see if anything can be done.

If we do manage to change anything here, I’ll be sure to update you.

Hi Mathew,

Thank You for quick answer.

I checked it and there is even bigger problem in Company setting, if there is sole trader with foreign name, it is not possible to use above characters.

Sławomir Gołąbek

Thank for your feedback. I have referred it to our development team. It may take a little bit longer than usual to come back to you however due to the bank holiday. I’ll be sure to update you as soon as I have any updates.

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