I am trying to allocate payment to an invoice , however, on clicking on log payment, antivirus kicks in with the message as detailed below;
Dangerous URL blocked. Reason Heuristic Analysis
aanybody come across this
No but if you add the url to your trusted zones it should be fine.
We have been getting reports of this feature being blocked when people are using Kaspersky . Can I just confirm which antivirus you are using so that we can further investigate this?
Hi Sian
I am using kerspersky Internet security
You may need to unblock QuickFile in Kaspersky. You can find details on how to do this here: https://community.quickfile.co.uk/t/kespersky-stopping-a-payment-log/33413/4?u=qfmathew
I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
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