Preallocation - Multi currency

Hi All,

Kindly help me with the below issue I’m facing.

I have a supplier in India to whom I invoice in Indian Rupees and pay from my GBP account. Earlier I had to transfer multiple bank transfers for the amount totaling to a single invoice. I was under the impression that I can tag/allocate these from the bank feeds to the seller as credit/preallocation and then pay the invoice from the preallocation.

But I’m unable to see the pay from the preallocation link in my invoice section and I assume it is because bank transfers are in GB which leads to the preallocation to be in GBP, but my invoice is in Indian rupees.

Kindly help me to resolve this issue.

You can certainly do it from the supplier’s summary page - under the “more options” drop down there’s “new prepayment”, which lets you do cross currency prepayments specifying the amount in both currencies.

This will create new pre-tagged transactions in the bank accounts, if you have untagged duplicate transactions from a feed it’s safe to delete the feed transactions and leave just the new tagged ones.

HI Ian Roberts,

Thank you for the help. it worked like a charm.

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