Problem Filing VAT return


I am trying to file my VAT return (first one with a new company) and it doesn’t seem to be linking to the invoices paid in the VAT period. So when I try to submit the VAT return I get the message below.

“Error: Under the Making Tax Digital rules VAT returns should be supported by accounting records. This VAT return appears to consist only of adjustments and cannot be submitted to HMRC. If you prefer to submit your return from an Excel document then please use the [VAT bridging module instead”

Not sure where the problem is. If anyone can help I would really apreciate it.


Hello @Samjr

You do not manually enter values in the adjustment boxes.

When you enter your transactions they will automatically be pulled into the return boxes, if you are on a cash accounting vat scheme it it the payment dates that are looked at.

So for example invoice dated 01/01/2025 and has a payment date of 01/03/2025 would not be picked up in the JAN-APR return as under cash accounting the tax point would be 01/03/2025.

Hi Steve,

Thanks for replying to my question. I managed to submit the VAT return as I adjusted the payment date of invoice as per your email advised.

Kind Regards,

Hello. I am having a similar problem. For VAT period !/11/24 to 31/1/25 none of my Cash Register sales invoices appear in Box 1. Show 0.00. Last invoice is dated 31/1/25. I use cash accounting
Any help much appreciated

Hello @Sports

I checked your account and the payments were recorded 27/02/2025

Under cash accounting the invoices are assigned to the return based on the payment date (the tax point). If the payment date is incorrect you can look it up in the banking screen and edit it. As it stands the invoice would be picked up in the following return.

Hi Steve
Thanks for your reply. I’m not able to find the payments on 27/2/2025 in my sales invoice folder.
I only made one input for sales this quarter which is dated 31/01/2025
Sorry I’m being a bit slow here

Hello @Sports

You can view the payments in

Sales > View Payments

Thank you Steve much appreciated

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