Profiles removed from Affinity account

Hiya, I just got an email from you about one of my accounts having its paid for status running out in a months time (one that I thought had migrated across to affinity).

I logged into my affinity account (well the one I thought I had setup) to see it in debt, so topped it up with a large sum, cleared the balance only to find that all the profiles have disappeared?

Whats happened / going on?

Hi @martinsteers

If you have profiles attached the Affinity account, but it doesn’t have any funds, then we will send you an email to remind you. 1 week following that email, if there still aren’t any funds on the account, we remove the profiles so the business that owns the profile can still access their account.

For reference, this is the line of the email:

The attached profiles are scheduled to be removed from your Affinity account one week from today.

I’ll send you a private message now to get some more information from you and we’ll see if we can help restore this :slight_smile:

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