It is very hard for me to extract the number of each line item and the value of those items from quickfile. The sales item report does not show the actual value of each item sold. It is incredibly important that we know which of our products are popular/profitable etc.
To extract these I have downloaded the quickfile back up and used the “Sales_Invoice_Items”, filtered it for the financial year and categorised these in an excel document taking about 2.5 hours for 1800 lines. The result is that each item is now categorised. However, I see the total of this is more than the profit and loss account ‘general sales’. Why would this be?
Yes quickfile’s attitude to the tracking sales is rather disappointing given that knowing which of your products are profitable and how many are sold is fundamental to businesses.
You are incorrect, their is some inventory capabilities. It is just extremely sub par compared to the competition.
I can’t fathom why estimates would be lumped with sales invoices.
On the sales items list the only way i could separate them is that the ‘invoice number’ were extremely different.
There is a way of doing what you want, but it requires a little bit of spreadsheet magic. I’ve outlined some steps below for you.
Open the Sales_Invoices.csv file in spreadsheet software (e.g. Excel, Calc, or Google Sheets)
Open the Sales_Invoice_Lines.csv file and copy the data into a new tab in the Sales_Invoice.csv file, so you end up with 2 tabs, similar to this -
In the Sales_Invoice_Lines tab, add a column to the end, let’s call it Type, and copy and paste this formula into the first cell with values (in my case, this is L2): =VLOOKUP(A2,Sales_Invoices!A:Q,2,false)
This should now display the type of document it relates to - Invoice, Estimate or Recurring.
From there, you can then apply a filter to the column, too, using the standard functions in Excel.
Hope that helps, but if you need anything else, please let us know.