Projects - doesn't seem to add up?

Hi Guys
A little help if you wouldn’t mind.

I have set up a project on my account and i have tagged a number of invoices, purchases and then credit notes for invoices that needed to be zero’s as the services were no longer required from the customer.

However, when I go into my project the ‘sales’ amount is not adding up correctly and is giving me a totally different figure to the income show on the P&L report (I created a nominal specifically for the income of the project too).

The P&L figure matches what I make the sale value to be manually and also it matches the value of the outstanding invoices that still need to be paid.

Any help gratefully received.



So I’ve had a little play - It looks as though it is subtracting the credit notes but not adding the original invoices into the sum in order to balance them. so the sales figure in the project is wrong.

Hi there, happy to look into this for you. I’ll send you a private message to get some info on your account and the exact project you’re looking at.

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