Purchase carried over to next quarter VAT return

My first Quickfile VAT return was submitted using bridging module but third quarter can be done through the main Quickfile website. Only problem is that a purchase from the original bridging VAT return is still showing up in the new VAT Return form and seems impossible to delete.
I need to file a my VAT return with out this historical data from the initial bridging hanging on. Any ideas please?

Hi @paul.brooks,

You can do a manual adjustment on your VAT return to remove the invoice amount. You can even add a comment to remind you that it has been included in the previous return?

Hope this helps

Hi Beth,

I still can’t remove the value manually from Box 7. Am I in the correct area to adjust the values manually?

Hi @paul.brooks,

You just need to type the amount you want to remove over the 0.00 as a negative value to reduce box 7

Easy as that!! Thanks

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