Purchase Invoice Number, can I use my own?

Hi all
I am new to QuickFile and in the setting up phase.
I am not an accountant by trade and have been using Sage Line100 (dos version) for the past 20years without any issues but it will be obsolete with the upcoming VAT returns declaration starting in April2019. HMRC only informed me a couple of weeks ago, hence why I joined QuickFile for the multi-currency option.
I will have to run both systems in parallel for a while until I am satisfied that it all works.

I did the opening balances for clients without any major issues (credits were a bit fiddly) and started inputting November2018 invoices using my existing Invoice numbers (27126 for example).

I have started Opening Balances for suppliers and noticed that I cannot choose my own number. QuickFile allocates automatically a number (QF00001 for example).

Is there a way for me to input my own purchase number? This will make running both systems in parallel a lot easier.

Many thanks for help.
Kind regards

Hi @steprom1

There isn’t a way to change this at the moment I’m afraid, but this is only used as an internal reference.

There is another field “Supplier Reference” which can be used to reference supplier invoices (e.g. their invoice number).

Thanks for the info. I was afraid this was going to be the answer and I have already thought of using the supplier reference field for my internal invoice numbering, at least until I can safely scrap Line100.
I am sure I will have more questions in the near future.
Many thanks again for the quick response.
Kind regards

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