Purchase Overview - Order by Supplier

Purchases / Outstanding Purchases.

We need to sort by Supplier Name, Can this be done?

This will allow us to tick each Purchase Invoice paid by our BACS Payment List ?
Currently we have to hunt around for corresponding purchases to tick AS PAID in a random list of Suppliers.
Typically we pay around 30 supplier with around 80 purchase invoices a month.


Unless there is some partially hidden option to enable this is going to be a feature request to make the column sortable. I will add my vote for that now.

Thank you for your support

Thank you both for your posts. This isn’t something that’s supported at present, but we can certainly take a look at how feasible this would be, if there’s enough interest from the community.

I’ve moved this thread to the #feature category for the moment and will keep an eye on it :slight_smile:

Just to point out, Invoice Management has the option to sort by Client name,
so would make sense to have sort by Supplier name in the Purchase Management?

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This would be quite useful for me, too. I’ve added my vote on this thread for it, though:

Might be worth merging the threads.