Purchase reference more than 25 Characters

Hi, I am a mobile mechanic and have just been forced to move away from Wave due to them abandoning UK businesses! I am trying to adapt the Quickfile invoice to allow a section where I can add vehicle details (Make, model, reg number and mileage) and by using the CSS transform I can change the “purchase reference” to “Vehicle details” but the character allowance is not quite large enough to fit the details in. If I pick a fairly standard vehicle, Vauxhall Vectra, then a reg number HY61BVN and then the mileage 110231mls, the characters needed (if spaces are counted) are 33. I have found a previous request to increase the characters and it was upped to 25, is it possible to increase it further or is there a better/simpler way I can add these details to the invoice?

This sounds like the kind of thing that would be better done as a comment line in the invoice body rather than as the purchase reference (which is more intended for cases where you’re raising an invoice in response to a client’s purchase order and they want you to display their PO number on the invoice).

To add a comment line click the :gear: icon in the description box for an invoice line and there’s an option to convert to comment.

Thank you Ian for your reply. I’ve just given this a try and I feel it may work as a temporary solution and enable me to get the required details on the invoice however it does look a little odd as it’s below the item/description columns, rather than in the top section (where I’m used to putting this information).
Thank you again for taking the time to reply,

We use the invoice name field. Maybe thats an option? You can search by this search. I found the below post which help. I’m sure we had to enable this somewhere but I can’t find a post on it at the moment.

Found the post! :slight_smile:

Hope this helps

Yes!!! This is exactly what I needed! 35 Characters available in this section so the majority of makes/models fit in. Thank you so much for the info and for taking the time to look for the post. :+1: :+1:

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