Quick Search

The Quick Search box can be located in the left hand menu column of each page in QuickFile. It provides a fast and convenient way to search across multiple documents and contacts stored in your account.


The search will analyse and return results across the following data types:

  • Invoices and Estimates - Invoice name, line item descriptions and invoice number
  • Purchase invocies - Invoice name, line item descriptions and invoice number
  • Clients - Business name and contact names
  • Suppliers - Business name
  • Reports - E.g. profit and loss, balance sheet, etc

By default the Quick Search will return results for complete words that you enter into the search box. You can request partial matches by appending an asterisk * to your search. You can also use other syntax to broaden and narrow your results, find more about enhanced search below.

Enhanced Search Fields

Other search guidance

Below is a list of other search related topics: