Quickfile Foreign Currency Account Adjuster - How to use?

Hi there, love QuickFile!
Now I understand there is a community plugin called Quickfile Foreign Currency Account Adjuster. I’ve been able to install it (Account settings->3rd Party Integrations->Market Place). That is fine.
I just can’t seem to find anywhere to use it.
I’ve looked on the bank settings under Record currency gain/loss, but all that does is show the normal empty forex journal.

Am I doing something wrong or does this no longer work on Quickfile?
Is there an additional setting that I need to have set up or something similar?

Hi @theaccountingstudio

This is a third party app rather than one developed by QuickFile.

I’ve had a look at their app marketplace listing and they’ve included a link to their site, which may help - https://www.justsoftwaresolutions.co.uk/quickfile_currency_adjust/