QuickFile Training Course

Hi we are a registered charity and one member of staff and the treasurer would like to get some in house or local to Northamptonshire training on the quick file system can anyone help us or know where to send us for this help. There is a company in Hampshire who do this but that is obviously too far away

Hi @Hardingstone, QuickFile don’t provide training directly, however there may be accountants/bookkeepers

out there who are able to offer this as a service.

I will leave this open for others to reply

Have you read the knowledgebase and searched the forums?

The knowledgebase is pretty well stocked with info and howto guides. The forum has some howto posts as well as a lot of helpful replies to common problems. You can also ask any questions on the forum and there’s usually someone along to provide an answer.

What specifically are you hoping to learn from the training course?

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