Re-tagging the same sales transactions on a new PayPal account

Hey everyone,

Please note: I ran e-Commerce businesses, so my clients have received their invoices right after they purchased from me.

I was using the PayPal auto-feed before, but it turned out to be a bad option as it does not import every transaction, therefore causes a balance mismatch.

I have 3 currencies in my PayPal account: GBP(original), USD, and EUR.
I created 3 different PayPal account: GBP, EUR, and USD.

I downloaded my statement from PayPal and put every transaction in the corresponding account. (GBP to GBP, EUR to EUR, etc.)

As I was tagging my sales on the original PayPal account, it created the clients and invoices for each transaction.

I have to tag these sales transactions again on my new accounts.

Sorting and deleting all clients and invoices that are relevant to PayPal would be a huge hassle as I would have to go through 1000’s of transactions to see whether they were made using PayPal or not.

If I would tag these sales on my new PayPal accounts, then it would create new invoices and clients, creating duplicates of each client and invoice.

What should I do in this situation?


Hi @Mark_Kajdi1,

If you delete the duplicates then you can re-code the tagged entries?

Hi. I have created a new client “PayPal EUR Sales” and tagged everything to that. This seems to be the easiest solution as I will delete the old PP account anyway.

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