Receipt Hub - import email body and attachments


Receipt Hub shows the body text of an email, only if there are no attachments. I would like to see both the email body & all the attachments, as often the email text contains the approval for an invoice in an attachment.

Is this a possible option for the next update?


You could send the same email twice as a workaround?

The system will currently try to determine the relevant part of the email based on it’s composition. If there is an attachment it will assume that this contains the invoice, with no attachment it will bring in the email body.

I think if we did both this would create 2 entries for every item which most people I believe wouldn’t want.

Many thanks for the very quick response. I appreciate the aim of keeping it simple & it is very clever how it does that. However, as an accountant I want to quickly capture the full audit trail which includes the attached receipts and also any information in the accompanying email (who it came from, approvals, dates, delivery confirmation, background info, etc).

I’m currently forwarding every receipt twice (with & without attachments), then tagging them both to the same posting. It works & is quick enough, but not really elegant! It would it be better if I could set it all up as auto-forward (I couldn’t find a way to auto-forward without attachment, although I could probably script that if I have to).

How about having a system setting, which defaults to your ‘most relevant, one entry’ but also allows for my ‘more detailed, multiple entries’ in the receipt hub. Alternatively (here’s a challenge!), how about an Outlook add-on that allows me to tag directly in Outlook.


I will switch this to a feature thread for now, certainly if it gets more support from other users we can look at this further.

These custom settings often take days to fully implement and test, so we must prioritise features based on the support from our user-base. I will keep an eye on this thread though.

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