Receipts not importing on Dropbox

Hi, I have some receipts in my dropbox which won’t import. .pdf files, Not duplicates, I waited enough time. Can you have a look?

I will take a look for you, in the mean time can you please take a quick look here:

Dropbox isn’t working - What you need to check for first


I’ve just manually polled and a couple of new files appeared. How many were you expecting?

There are around 15 still in the folder.

Do any of those 15 files have a file name that match any untagged files already in the receipt hub? Try changing one of the file names in Dropbox.

Hi Glen, The files are all named ‘receipts 19/11/14.2.pdf’ with the last number being different in each file. Changing the name of a file hasn’t made any difference.
Thanks, Tom

These are the files the system is seeing in your DB folder, they all exist in an untagged state on your Receipt Hub and therefore aren’t importing.

/receipts 19:11:14.2.pdf
/receipts 19:11:14.3.pdf
/receipts 19:11:14.4.pdf
/receipts 19:11:14.5.pdf
/receipts 19:11:14.6.pdf
/receipts 19:11:14.7.pdf
/receipts 19:11:14.8.pdf
/receipts 19:11:14.9.pdf
/receipts 19:11:14.10.pdf

Great I can see them in my receipt hub now. Are they supposed to get auto deleted from the quickfile folder on my dropbox too? Thanks again for the excellent level of customer service!

No problem!

Once they are imported they would normally be moved to the /Imported/.. folder, can you see them in there? If you can you can delete the ones in the main folder.