Recognising income deferred in prior year

In our y/e accounts to 31 Mar 24 we received grant funding that wasn’t going to be fully spent until the following financial year. I recorded the transaction as follows:
Dr bank 10,000
Cr 4014 grant income £3,000 (the part we had spent in the year)
Cr 2103 deferred income £7,000 (to be treated as a liability in the balance sheet).

We have now spent the grant and I want to recognise the deferred income as revenue. I assumed the correct entries would be:
Dr 2103 deferred income £7,000
Cr 4014 grant income £7,000

However, when I try to create the journal entry it flags up as an error.

FYE 2023-24 has been closed off and the correct liability is showing in the balance sheet at y/e.

Can anyone suggest where I’m going wrong? Many thanks!

What is the error message specifically?

Hi Ian,

Many thanks for getting in touch. I’ve attached a screenshot of the message which doesn’t really say much other than that the journal needs to be corrected. You might just be able to see the detail of the journal in the background to see the entries in case that helps.

Thanks again and best wishes,



You’ve selected the nominal code and entered the amount, but you haven’t put anything in the description columns.

Many thanks, problem solved!