Refund for Business rates - over 12 months


We applied for rates relief for our office which took some time but has been processed now.

However, we had to continue paying Business rates in full during this period unfortunately.

We received a refund several months later but how do I process this refund for business rates? Some payments we made were over 12 months ago and I can’t tag them as refunds individually.

Would I create a journal or do I credit note each transaction going back several months under the purchases record for this supplier which is HMRC Business Rates?


Hi @ahmedmia

Have you been provided with an updated bill or credit note for this refund?

I’m interested in the date on the document more than anything. If it’s dated within one financial period, you could possibly create a negative purchase invoice. If it’s dated over more than one period, it may need to be separate documents so the values fall within the right tax year, if that makes sense?

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