Refund from Supplier - no Purchase invoice

Hi - one of my suppliers is also a customer. From time to time they decide to contra off values which I handle by having a “fake bank account” which pays their bills & my invoices. Its not ideal, but this is the only way I can see of handling it.

This time, we had sent in a cheque, which they cashed, but also contraed off that value. They then refunded the value of the cheque through a bank transfer.

So I now have QF showing their bill paid by chq, their invoice paid in full by contra and a bank transfer “refund” which needs to go back into their supplier account. However there isn’t an option to tag a supplier pre-payment. When I try to tag it from BANK it gives me a list of previous CN to allocate it to and doesn’t show as a prepayment or credit for outstanding bills.

How do I make this work?

You will need to process the refund from the supplier account rather than from the bank. This will create another bank transaction for the refund amount so you will need to delete the original that came in with the feed.

I hope this makes sense?

How do I do that?

I tried by refunding the original invoice with option of bank transfer - it didn’t show as a credit on the Supplier account.

It needs to show as credit or prepayment on the supplier account.

Hi @WalkerTim,

If you go into the suppliers dashboard then at the top you should have the option to add a prepayment under more options:

This should then create a duplicate entry in your bank account for the refund so you’ll need to delete the original

That then shows as money leaving my bank, not money coming into my bank

I think their refund will have to go into the Contra Bank Acc. The Bills will be paid from that Credit.

It would be easier if refunds could be attached to suppliers

Hi @WalkerTim

Can I just clarify the situation here?

You mention that they refunded the value by bank transfer, but you also mention that you want it held as a pre-payment. Have they actually sent the money back to you, or have they held it on account for future use?

They have sent the money back - its showing in the bank

I think the only way to solve it is to cancel the original contra payment on our invoice and use the supplier’s payment in to pay that invoice. Not accurate but it balances

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