Is it possible to have the purchase screen remember the last date entered, i would love to use the bulk entry for purchases, but can due to it only accepting one line per purchase and one nominal type.
So i have to manually enter one by one 100’s of invoices, since these are split invoices (see below) and the other problem is that if i am entering manual invoices/receipts for a supplier i have to do several actions/click just to enter another one for the same supplier, i have tried using macros but they don’t work well with your system.
Would it be possible from the supplier panel, to enter single invoices and not have to do as many steps as this ?:
- click enter new purchase
- re enter supplier details
- re-enter purchase order number next in sequence / or copy last purchase and update the sequential number
- remember to change the date (from today’s date ?) (hard to remember when entering purchases from up to 12 months prior)
- having to create 3 or 4 new item lines (preset per supplier not an option)
- one by one for the above enter each category for the previous step
- make sure the VAT is correct for the previous set (no option to set default per category)
- enter the same descriptions that are the same for each invoice for same supplier for previous set
- enter totals for each above or net depending on supplier.
- adjust net where needed penny from there + or - to get the main total to match.
- Save Purchase
- mark invoice with QF No.
- remember not to change the page just saved (do quite often) as its now a saved purchase
- start from step one again
One supplier i had about 300+ invoices to do this on as i have to split out 25% for our supplies and other 75% for selling stock.
Hard work lol and quite a few mistakes, also the date thing is a pain when tagging the correct bank transactions, if i forget to change from today’s date to invoice date.
Most people dont get chance to enter purchases as they happen on the date and enter them after the fact, and it would be a big help, if this would be an issue for other would it be possible to have an option to turn it on/off some where either settings level or supplier/client level
Examples of split purchase for suppliers
Fedex (International)
EU sales shipping (VAT Rated shipping line)
NON EU sales shipping (No VAT shipping line)
Royal Mail Shipping Invoices (Invoices are split as shown below and need to be entered as such)
VAT Rated Items (20% VAT)
Zero Rated Items (0% VAT)
Exempt items (NO VAT)
I know the above is quite long winded, but your software is great already, just hard and very time consuming in some areas, especially as above as these invoices/purchases cant be quickly tagged from the bank area (for VAT purposes)
Pre set options for purchases per supplier would be great and would greatly improve entry time.