I feel like I am missing something obvious here, but when I look at my ‘Stock’ account, a purchase receipt that I have added displays as “Purchase Invoice: Items for purchase #QFxxxxx”
This is not particularly helpful for me because i want to be able to easily see which receipt was for which item of stock.
Is there any way to rename these entries?
The file name in the receipt hub is just a reference so there isn’t a way to change this from the receipt hub itself.
The file name is made up of the following: #QF00000: Supplier Name - Invoice description
You can change the invoice description by going to the purchase management and clicking on the ‘Description’ field of the invoice you wish to update. This will then automatically update the receipt hub too.
When I click it it shows me all the notes.
When I refresh the page they are hidden again.
I would like for it to save my selections so that when I refresh the notes are shown.