Resetting expired HMRC Vat link

Can you please help me with this - I think I have deleted the expired link and I cannot reset it

Hello @strivs

You can connect a tax account in Reports > HMRC

What message are you getting when trying to connect your tax account

You can find more information in our HMRC troubleshooting guide here

You are not yet authorised to view this report for the VRN 256629182 . Please ensure your VAT number is correct and you have connected the corresponding HMRC Tax Account. If you have recently enrolled on the MTD scheme please allow 24 hours for HMRC systems to update.

I have gone through the troubleshooter guide a number of times without success

Hello @strivs

If you’re seeing that your account isn’t authorised, it’s often down to one of a few things:

  • You’ve linked the wrong HMRC account (e.g personal account, rather than your organisation’s account)
  • The VAT number is incorrect
  • You haven’t enrolled on MTD with HMRC
  • You have enrolled on MTD recently, but not yet received confirmation
  • HMRC have confirmed your enrolment, but you haven’t yet waited 72 hours

The most common cause of this is that the wrong tax account is being connected (a personal one rather than the companies).

We have no control over this message as when we log in using the details you provided this is the response from the government gateway. If you have tried reconnecting and have ensured you have used the correct details you would have to contact HMRC.