Resign the payment to another company payer

Our payer wants now to accept his order to his another company#2, but he has already made 2 payments for the current order from his company#1.
Is there any way to resign the payment from his company#1 to his company#2 in a proper way?

Hi @Andriy_Alyeksyeyev

Firstly, please accept my apologies for the delayed response.

Can I just check a few things, if that’s OK?

  • Are company 1 and company 2 related in any way (e.g. same parent company, different trading names), or is it a more of a contra-invoicing agreement?
  • The payment that’s been allocated to company 1, is this currently allocated to any of their invoices, or is it being held on account?

Hi @QFMathew,
Thanks for reaching me out.

  1. Company 1 and company 2 are both belong to same business unit, their names are transparently similar, company 1 has made an order and payments, but when we needed to deliver the goods, we have used the EORI number of Company 2, because Company 1 doesn`t have it.
  2. Company 1 has been made payments for the order to us and we supply the goods to them