Reverse / delete payment

I’ve just marked many purchase invoices as paid and didn’t click the option to allocate lumpsum and us to pay down invoice. I know want to delete this, but its very difficult to now see which I paid. Can this last action be delete in a different/easier way?

Hope that makes sense!


Hello @shephardservices

I’ve just marked many purchase invoices as paid

How were the payments made?

  • Tagging bank transactions
  • From the invoices
  • As a batch payment

From invoice, selecting them and logging payments Steve?



Shephard Services Ltd

Hello Sam

That is fine, if you have a large entry in the bank that needs tagging just be sure to delete it so the balance does not double up.


3x £100 payments logged to invoices would have the same affect as £1x 300 payment tagged to pay down multiple invoices.

if there an easier way to delete this payment Steve instead of going into each invoice and deleting payment. Trouble is i can’t remember which I actually marked as paid for the amount paid to supplier £1449.93 as it was all worked out on screen.


Hello @shephardservices

You can look at the recent activity on the dashboard to find out which invoices were paid (there will be a block of them)

Then you can either

  • View the clients account and select View All Payments to look up a list of all payments made to their account. You can then delete each payment.

  • Or you can look through the bank transactions and click Tagged for each one to see what they are tagged to. You can then delete them from there.