Reverse proxy to mask quickfile url? Email spf, dmarc and domainkey settings?

Is it possible to set up a reverse proxy on accounting.mydomain.tld to mask the url? Naturally all post data and /url/locations/ would be forwarded to quickfile by the nginx/apache reverse proxy.

I understand that custom urls are not currently supported and this is a deal breaker for me as I want customers going to my domain not a third party, so I’m looking for any ways around it. Alternatively, can the API be used for this?

Are emails sent using my smtp server and email address or are they sent from’s smtp server(s) and/or email addresses? Would I need to add additional IPv4 to my spf DNS entry? How would this affect my dmarc and domainkey DNS settings?

You could try it but given that the back end won’t know anything about it you’d have to scrub the Host header at the proxy (so the back end sees your *.quickfile host name rather than the one of your proxy) and you’d have to rewrite the domain in any cookies, CORS headers and absolute links in HTML or JSON requests and responses - not impossible but may be more complicated than you bargained for.

You can configure QuickFile this way, yes.

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