Rollback of VAT

You will need to

  • note all the figures on the rolled back return
  • go into your QuickFile account settings and temporarily turn off the MTD and online VAT filing options
  • prepare a new VAT return for the rolled-back quarter, apply any manual adjustments you need to make the figures match what you originally submitted, and “save” this return without submitting it online
  • switch online filing and MTD back on again
  • when you submit your return for the following quarter, apply the same manual adjustments in reverse (i.e. if you had to adjust box 4 down in the re-saved return then adjust it up by the same amount next time)

You may well find there’s nothing to adjust, which is fine, but if you entered any back-dated purchases or sales for that quarter since you originally submitted it then the adjustment process duplicates what QuickFile would normally do by default of pulling those into the next return.

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