Sales Invoice Credit Note knot

Hi, I think I’ve got myself into a knot with a Sales Invoice and I can’t seem to undo it.

An initial invoice for £75+Vat was raised. A credit note was then raised to cancel it. However the credit says “Held on account against a future invoice CN00002” and this showing as a prepayment/refund on their account. The problem being, that it should have been cancelling the invoice, not a refund. A payment of £75 into the bank seems to have been tied to the invoice and also used to pay part of another invoice. The notes say CN SP40 and SP63 are linked to this.

I can’t see how to get into this to undo and redo to sort it out.

Hi @WalkerTim,

You will need to untag the payment to free up the invoice. You should then be able to tag the credit against the invoice.

The invoice says it has been creditted in full
If I click on the referenced Credit Note it does not have an option to delete it as it is locked into last VAT period. I have a “View or Remove” link.
If I click the link it says “This is a credit note derived from payment #SP000040
This has an option to REFUND the Balance - but I need to do this from the BAnk - which would be inaccurate.
If I click the SP000040, it says “A credit note #SP000063 has been created from this payment” and in red, “this payment has been deleted”.

I’m going in circles

Hi @WalkerTim

Just to confirm -

When you mention “cancelling the invoice”, do you mean that you weren’t expecting the original payment against the invoice to begin with (and therefore nothing to refund)?

The intention was to cancel the invoice. However from what is showing, it seems likely that refund has been selected

It doesn’t look like any payment has been made against the invoice. Just the Credit Note/Refund, which I cannot cancel

Talking to the staff involved, it looks like…
The invoice was paid but the item returned and the payment allocated as a refund.
The complication seems to be how that has all been tagged in Quick File.

Is it possible for someone to look at the actual record and see how this is all locked up and how I can undo it

Possibly, the invoice has had a credit note created saying that a refund is due (which isn’t correct, it was to be held on account).

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