Sales Invoice Discount


I like the global discount that you can apply to a sales invoice, however, I don’t like the fact that is automatically applies it to the nominal code associated with the first invoice line. I would be great if you could have a global configuration option to specify a discounts nominal code and only apply to the first item when this configuration is not set.


Hi @amyearsley

I believe the way it works at the moment is to prevent rounding issues. While applying 10% discount to a two lined invoice is pretty straight forward, applying a 8% discount to a 10 line invoice with 20% VAT on some items makes it a little bit more complex.

However, we do certainly appreciate your feedback, and I can certainly ask our development team to take a closer look into this if there’s enough interest from the community. We’ll leave this topic open for others to add their vote and comments.

Yes understand that hard to apply across multiple lines without Rounding differences which is why I think having a global setting to specify where all Discounts should be posted to would be a good compromise.

If you’re looking to post them straight to a specific nominal, you can already do this by posting it as a negative value line on the invoice. This gives you full control over the description, nominal, value and VAT element of it too.

Yes I realise that is an option but that requires a manual calculation which could lead to errros. I certainly wouldn’t rely on a manual calculation performed by the person who entered our invoices as she is an administrator and not an accountant.

As I said in my first post, the current function is so close to being perfect if only you could configure the nominal code you want to the discounts to be posted to. We want all of ours to go to a discounts allowed code. I tried to trick the system and a zero line to the required nominal but the system skipped it and picked the first non zero line to post it to. I’m not suggesting that that is a solution either because that is a fudge instead of a properly thought through function.

This has caused me a problem and I only found out about it by accident. Totally incorrect amounts have been posted to two of my nominal codes instead of the discount being applied to both. Applying the discounts to each line would not only take more time, it would look very messy on the invoice sent to the customer. Surely each line could be rounded 5/4 and then the total checked with any odd difference being applied to one line. That way the figures would only be wrong by an odd pence rather than by the very large amounts that they are now. If this is not possible, I would suggest that a warning message is displayed when a global discount is added and there are multiple lines on the invoice. That way at least the user can think about an alternative rather than not knowing about the issue.