Sales invoice export showing partial balance


Please can you advise me if there is a way of exporting sales invoices showing the partial balance outstanding?

Many thanks

Hi @Accounts_Express_Bod

Just to confirm, are you looking for this as a CSV export, or on a PDF copy of the invoice?

A CSV export please.

Hi @Accounts_Express_Bod

I think the report that would be best in this scenario would be the debtor/creditor report, which can be found by going to Reports >> All Reports >> Other.

This will show you the balance and the total of the invoices, the supplier and a brief description, all of which can be exported into a CSV for you.

Hope that helps!


Unfortunately that is not what I am asking for. I need to obtain a CSV file that itemises each invoice for a client, showing the invoice total and the remaining balance due. On the PDF statement for the client, this information is visible but when I export it to CSV it is not.

Many thanks

Hi @Accounts_Express_Bod

Apologies if I’ve misunderstood.

The report I mentioned has several columns -

  • Current status (Sent / Part Paid, etc.)
  • Issue Date
  • Invoice reference / number
  • Company name
  • Company ID (internal QuickFile reference)
  • Description of the invoice
  • Currency
  • Invoice total
  • Total paid
  • Outstanding balance

If you’re looking for data other than this, please let me know and we’ll try and assist you further.


Apologies, I had not pressed the down arrow underneath the ‘As of Today’ heading. That is perfect thank you and exactly what I need.

Many thanks

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No problem at all! Glad we could help :slight_smile:

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