Santander Bank import options

I am a new user, having taken over the Treasurer role for a small charity which has been using Quickfile.
I am having great trouble in uploading my bank account transactions. I can get a CSV file from Santander (but no option for a .txt as I read somewhere in support, or for any of the other formats)
But each time I try to upload I get an error message about a corruption. It gives a location for the corruption but I don’t understand what is meant and I cannot locate that. I have tried several new downloads.
I have also tried selecting “other” but I never get the option to edit the CSV, as I also read about in support.
I would happily enter the transactions manually but there are about 150 subscription receipts as well as payments.
I am wasting a lot of time on the mechanics and not actually getting any work done, so I would appreciate some help.

Hi @Eldon

I’ll send you a private message to get some more details off you and see if we can sort this out for you :slight_smile:

Look for a green notification in the top right hand corner

I have the following download options in my Santander account:

Is it a personal account you’re using, there is no CSV option for Santander business banking. QuickFile can import QIF or TXT files.

If we can get a copy of the CSV file you have we can try importing it for you. I’ll send you a separate private message.


I will leave you in the capable hands of @QFMathew

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I have both a personal and business account with Santander and they both use the same interface for the online banking and thus have the options as shown by Glenn.

Maybe he is still on the old internet banking, but I thought they had moved everyone over ages ago! Could also be something like a Cater Allen (owned by Santander) account too as I also have one of those and that is a CSV file.

OK, I can see the “upload” icon now. Here is the latest CSV file. Thanks, Eldon

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This may be possible as it shows an “ABBY” prefix on the BIC code. I can’t get a CSV file in my account like that, only XLS (Excel).

I think however @QFMathew was able to import using the “Other” option.

I’ve had to remove references to ‘GBP’, and delete all the account and export info from the top of the file, but yes - I managed to make it work using the ‘Other’ option.

Presumably they don’t have mixed currency transactions in a single account, so those GBP suffixes are completely superfluous.

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