Santander Feed Not Working

Not had an update to the feed since 17th January so missing quite a few transactions. There are 56 days left before needing to reconfirm. I’ve tried to refresh the feed twice now but just get “No transactions were imported for this account”.

on the additional data link from the feed details pop up it says " We were unable to connect to your bank to retrieve this data. Your bank may not support this method or your consent may have expired. [Click here] to view your Open Banking consents."

Click that just take me to the pop up that states there are still 56 days left and both status boxes show as green OK

Help needed

99% of the time unexplained errors like this with bank feeds will fix themselves if you revoke and then re-connect the feed.

I’ve the same problem. I tried revoking and then re-conneting the feed but still won’t refresh.

Hello @scoobeski

I would recommend revoking the feed in Banking >open banking feeds and setting the feed up again.

This will grant a fresh authorisation for the feed. Once set up try refreshing again.

This does resolve most issues.

Hello @Razaka

I checked your account and it looks like you have not revoked the feed.

In Banking >Open banking feeds it will say Reconfirm within 90 days once you have done this.

Hi Steve,

Thanks for coming back to me as instructed. Still no new transactions.


if this happens so much and this is the major cause, could you not include an easier way to do this?

Hello @Razaka

I refreshed the feed for you from 06/01/2025 and 11 transactions imported.

Most banks allow you to import 21 days worth of historic transactions as per Open Banking guidelines.

For anything older you can import a bank statement

Hello @scoobeski

We can only import transactions if there is an active valid authorisation for the feed.

If the bank does an update on their end sometimes a new authorisation is required, we have no control over this.

Hi Steve,

Thank you.

I revoked the connection 3 times and refreshed it servral times after each time I reconnected, waiting several minutes after each refresh.

Must just be your magic touch.

Thanks again,