Save advanced searches to the dashboard's links

The advanced search feature on invoices, purchases and accounts is really useful, but it would be great if after entering an advanced search you could then save it to the quick links on the left.

For example, I’d like a link called “Draft Invoices” which would take me directly to the list of invoices filtered by the status “DRAFT”. However, I’m sure the community can think of many other examples.

I use another system that has this type of feature and it really improves efficiency.

Thanks @acunim

We will look into this and update the ticket if it’s something we can move forward with.

We’ve now implemented deep linking, for when you want to create a menu link which targets a set of search parameters. This is currently active on the sales invoice and purchase invoice screens.

When you perform a search you will see a filter icon in the header area.

You can then create a link to that page in the usual way.


Hope that helps!