Send recurring statements by snail mail

Guys big thanks introducing the scheduled statements feature.

Is it possible to have this delivered optionally as snail mail?

Hi @MearTech

Thank you for your feedback!

I’ve passed the query about snail mail over to our development team, and moved your post to the ‘Feature’ category. Will keep you posted :slight_smile:

It shouldn’t be an issue to add this option. We’ve added it to our planner and will update you here.

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As a suggestion if you do implement snail mail it would be preferable to send email + snail or email only or snail mail only.

Hi @MearTech

We’ve introduced the option to send the recurring statement by snail mail or email. We can certainly consider offering both if the interest is there.

You can select the snail mail option when you set up or edit a recurring schedule:

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

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