Should a Sole Trader include bad debt in this year's tax return

I am currently trading as a sole trader and I am due on the 5th of April to submit my tax return, the question is I have one invoice that is 90 days overdue which is for only £15.

If I submit my tax return and then mark it as bad debt in a few more months when I am able to, will that then add the correct info to my reports for my 2021 tax return?


In short, yes.

You pay tax on the “income” in this year and get the bad debt offset against tax the next.

Yes but also no.

Yes if you include invoiced income in your tax return.

No if you use the cash basis.

Depends on the method of reporting you use.

I include all invoices paid or not paid.

So I’m guessing I should include it then, then it will come off next years?


Correct you should include it in that case.

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