Should I be worried that the backup page is showing no changes?

I rely on QuickFile to maintain backups of my data, although I also keep the local CSV emails as a secondary redundancy.

I found on the “data backup schedule” page in the knowledgebase that there is a link to a public QuickFile page showing what is backed up and when: QuickFile: Free Accounting Software

Should I be worried that that “QuickFile Backups” section of this list is empty, and the file backups doesn’t seem to have changed for the last 2 weeks?

I like the concept of that page showing that backups are being made, but I suspect the page is just old or broken but it’s a bit confusing to have it still linked there if so. It would be nicer to see automated output published each day of the automated restore routine run (which is in knowledgebase article 9068 which I cannot link as I am “new” and it exceeds two links per post) to confirm end-to-end integrity of the backup/restore process.

Hello @tigertech

Please rest assured that backups are still processed and kept. We changed our infrastructure a while back which resulted in the log no longer being available. However, they’re still being kept as described in the article.

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