Show Amount Owing (balance) on Reminder Emails?

Hi there,

A customer brought to my attention this morning, that he received a reminder email (in the body of the email text) it contained the total amount of the invoice and not the partial amount owing.

Ideally, the reminder should show the total and the partial amount owing, so it’s clear.

Can anyone advise on this.


If it’s one of the 3 reminder messages for overdue invoices you can modify the base template to show the balance.

If you go to the “Account Settings” menu and select the option “Routine Emails”, you will see a list of email templates. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Overdue Invoice Reminders are listed separately.

This is the default text.

Dear @FirstName@,

This is just to remind you that the following invoice is now overdue.


Additional Invoice Details

Invoice: @InvoiceNumber@
Due Date: @InvoiceDueDate@
Total Amount: @InvoiceTotalAmount@

You also have the token @InvoiceTotalBalance@, so you could edit this template and add the line:

Balance Remaining: @InvoiceTotalBalance@.

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Perfect. Many thanks

Is there a full list of the tokens anywhere? I admit that I haven’t looked recently but did some experimenting when I adopted Quickfile at the beginning of the year and couldn’t find one then.

If you go into the routine email editor, under each one there is a list of tokens you can use:

(Bottom left)

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It appears that @InvoiceTotalBalance@ is not in the list of available tokens. Any chance this could be added?

@InvoiceTotalBalance@ is available on “New Invoice Raised” and “Overdue Invoice Reminders” templates. I can see it on the list for these two templates.

Hi Glenn,

Is there any chance this token could also be added to the “New Payment Received” template? I have a client with a couple of long overdue invoices, who makes partial payments when he can afford to.

I mistakenly thought that adding @InvoiceTotalBalance@ to the template would do the job, but I found out today, because he actually replied to the latest one, that all my New Payment Received emails since last year simply show this as text.

Even for invoices that are paid in full, it would be good to be able to show that the remaining balance is zero.


Hi @Aerion

I’ll pass this to our dev team and see how feasible it would be, and let you know

This should be possible. I’ve logged it in our planner to have a look. Either myself or one of my colleagues will let you know when this has been added :slight_smile:

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Oh, that’d be great, thanks!

The token @InvoiceTotalBalance@ will now work on the “New Payment Received” template.

Thank you so much for doing this quickly!

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