Hello I’m new to the forum so Apols if doing this wrong. I use QuickFile in a very simple way, mainly just once a year to input my receipts and payments for the year and allocate each with its various codes that I setup.
I’ve been doing this to help me construct my farm accounts for the last three years. However this year I can’t find the simple input page, all I can find is the ‘create new Invoice’ or ‘log Purchase’ (I don’t want these) or at the top of my bank statement the ‘input new Transaction’ button which is simplistic and doesn’t allow me to assign the appropriate code just add a description. Previously there was another option to enter details and allocate the right code etc which was quick and fast and intuitive , but I can’t find it this year. Am I going stupid or has something been changed? Perhaps I should use it more often and input more regularly.
Hi @Pete1
Welcome to the forums!
If I’ve understood you correctly, I think you’re looking for the bulk entry tool? This would however only be for a single client/supplier and a single nominal code. If you have the Power User Subscription, it is a bit more flexible.
Take a look at this tool, let me know what you think. You can find it under Account Settings > Import Data
Details on the Power User version can be found here
Thanks for this but it’s not what I need.
Basically my business is a farm I have a limited number of receipts each year which are easy enough to process, but I have a lot of individual payments ranging from sundries to livestock purchases. I enter them into quick file in date order and allocate each payment to one of the standard codes eg electric, water, rent etc and once each month is entered I reconcile and Tag. If I recall from last year there were two more buttons on the Statement screen which allowed either receipt or payment. Once selected each would require a date, short decription, code, payment type and amount. But I can’t find it this year.
Hmmm, hopefully I’m a bit closer this time!
Looking at the Bank Statement view, I think you’re looking to create your invoices quickly from there?Perhaps it’s this you’re looking for?
Which can be brought up from clicking ‘Tag Me!’
Payment from a customer (or to a supplier):
And creating it from there?
I’ve found that now thanks although it’s not what I recall last year but I think I’ve lost the plot. Thanks for your help, Pete