SMTP not accepting Self-Signed Certificate

Hi Glenn

I am trying to setup SMTP but my server uses a self-signed certificate so Quickfile is dropping the connection, is there any way I can force it to accept the certificate?

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I must confess I don’t know whether this will work with our setup. I did come across this though:


I’d been told the mail server I need to use only supported relaying via port 465 but I tried via port 25 and it works and the same self signed SSL certificate is used so that’s the answer to my issue, port 465 doesn’t work with SmtpClient.

I gave it a try on port 25 but got an error: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.

OK reading a little more about this it’s actually a security feature built into the .NET framework. You can bypass certificate verification but this is not advisable in a production system.

To use SMTP on QuickFile you’d need to get a certificate for your SMTP server that has been issued by a Certificate Authority.

Port 25 is the default SMTP port so you will definitely be able to get it to work if you have the correct settings for your server.

Port 465 is the secure port so will need an SSL certificate. As you only have a self-signed certificate and thus it will not work, in QF change the port number to 25 and untick SSL. Also make sure your Host Name and Username are in lowercase letters only as most web email servers are Linux based and only like lowercase.

Though many (hopefully most) SMTP servers will refuse to accept authentication credentials over an insecure connection.

As an email admins, I’ve never seen one!

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