SMTP Settings stopped working again

My smtp settings have once again decided to stop working. I use gmail and have entered everything correctly but I keep getting error messages no matter which port I use. Please help

Which specific error messages? Normally for gmail you would want to use port 587 with STARTTLS, username would be your email address and the password would be an app password that you have created specifically for QuickFile.

You need to have two factor auth enabled for your Google account in order to use app passwords.

Hi Ian, The error message I get is “It looks like there was a problem reaching your SMTP service
Error Message The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.0 Authentication Required. For more information, go to”
I don’t get an error if I leave the “Send activation email to…” blank but it still doesn’t work. Everything was fine and suddenly stopped

Do you have 2fa and app passwords or were you previously using your normal login password with “less secure apps” enabled? Google do periodically reset the less secure apps setting, they usually ought to warn you beforehand but unless you know what to expect it’s not always obvious what the warning is about.

If you are on 2fa then I’d try generating a new app password to replace the one you were previously using.

Hi Ian, I’ve tried 2fa on and off and generated several app passwords as it says they can only be used once. I can’t figure out why it rejects my settings only when I fill in the box to Send activation email. Otherwise it saves the settings but fails to actually work!

Something else that can sometimes get in the way is browsers being too clever about auto filling forms - if you have your password saved in your browser for the auto fill logic may be substituting the password you use to log in to QuickFile instead of the one you meant to enter for logging in to your SMTP server.

Try opening a “private browsing” window, log in to your QuickFile in there (it won’t have the saved password) and then you can adjust the SMTP settings without the auto fill logic getting in the way.

Thanks Ian, I’ll give that a try.

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