Some questions regarding Affinity

Hi everyone

Might be being a bit thick here so bare with me.

I have 3 quickfile accounts. each for a different company. I was looking at Affinity to consolidate everything under one ‘umbrella account’ using a common login.
I am currently a power user on all my 3 accounts. If I use Affinity (expensive!) do I still pay my individual power user fees as well as affinity fees?



Hello @oompedoomp

When a QuickFile account is connected to an Affinity account it is no longer mandatory to purchase a Power User subscription when you have over 1000 nominal postings in a rolling 12 month period.

You can still purchase one if you wish if you require any of the features

Power User Subscription vs Affinity

We have a more general guide on Affinity here:

We also have an Affinity pricing calculator here:

Billing for all accounts is calculated daily and collected monthly (via Direct Debit). You only pay to the exact day each account is connected and there are no other monthly fees or long term commitments. Furthermore all new accounts are preloaded with a free £10 credit.

I’ve included a few other Affinity related resources here that cover some of the extended features.

White Labelling:

Affinity Workspace (for collaborating with clients):

Restricting access to Affinity users (i.e. letting them see only certain companies)

Billing explained:

If there’s anything I have missed or you have any other queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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