Simply want to sort / order estimates or invoices by ‘status’ with the little arrows that are next to ‘issue date’ for example.
I have searched the knowledge base but the couple of answers i found are unfair towards smaller businesses that have fewer transactions in my opinion.
We have a new browser tab open for every type of status for our estimates / invoices with filter activated because we cannot sort by status. It would make our lives a lot easier to be able to see all estimates or invoices on one page but in order.
The attached image shows how it is a headache to view on one page.
Hello @Cartwrightj
You can filter by the status using the search option.
We do monitor the votes on feature requests, if there is enough interest in a request we would implement the feature.
I am not asking to filter by status. It is of no use as you have to open up multiple browser tabs with each status category to be of any use. We are a small business and do not have enough transactions to warrant this method.
We simply want to see all estimates or invoices on one page with the status in order.
Thus why I showed you the image above which is chaos with regard to status order.
Hello @Cartwrightj
I asked the development team to look into this for you yesterday, and I t was implemented overnight.
Excellent. I really appreciate your quick response and implementation.
This has made our lives a lot easier this morning and i am sure other users will also appreciate this function.
Many Thanks Jason