Still can't send emails to NHS customers

Dear guys, you have tried to help me in the past on this but I still cannot send my estimates and invoices to my NHS mail customers. I have tried setting up the SMTP Email Settings as

Field Value
Port e.g. 25, 465 or 587 465
From address fusion@****** You can change this in the email options page
From name Will show as the sender when your clients view the email Fusion
Host name e.g.
Username Usually set as your email address fusion@********
Password Maximum of 150 characters correct
Use secure connection (STARTTLS) Yes

The email provider that I use is Low Cost Names. It is only my NHS customers who do not get the emails.

Regards Hayley

Hi @Fusion

The SMTP details provided by LCN are:

Password: your mailbox password
Mail Server:
Port: 465

As far as I can tell the details you entered (which I’ve removed from your post) are correct. When you save these details, do you see an error at all? Are you able to speak with LCN to see if there are any connection errors from their side (there may be an error showing in their logs for example)?

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