Submitted VAT file manually


I had problems submitting my VAT return to 30 November 2018 - I saw the MTD message and thought there was a problem submitting it via Quickfile.

I therefore submitted it manually online on my portal.

I have just tried to submit the VAT return to 28 Feb 2019, but Quickfile would not let me, as the previous one is showing as not submitted.

To create the correct VAT return I also had to change the date from which VAT returns are filed from, i.e. 1/12/2018, otherwise it was including this on the VAT return to 28 Feb in error.

My next VAT return needs to be filed via Quickfile, so how do I set my accounts to show that these last two VAT returns have been filed?

You submitted your answer to this, but it didn’t help and by the time I came back to reply, you had closed the topic!

Thank you, Russell

Previous topic for reference;

I was about to reply saying exactly the same as the previous answer which is completely correct. How did Quickfile “not let you”? Did you get any errors that might hint at the problem?

I think all of your changing dates etc and saying it was including things in error is going off in the wrong direction as it is not wrong for Quickfile to pull in data from previous quarters if the returns weren’t submitted.

Hi - Quickfile tells me that the previous VAT return has not been submitted, so it won’t allow me to submt the next one.

So of course now I have two VAT returns that are not submitted as far as Quickfile is concerned, as these have been submitted on the HMRC portal.

The next one must be submitted via Quickfile, as this is now past 1 April, so needs to be sorted please.

Thank you, Russell

You can prepare and “submit” the previous one in Quickfile, just don’t actually tick the “submit to HMRC” box. This will then mark it as sent in Quickfile so you can submit your next return. Before you send it check the return to make sure it matches the one you submitted directly.

Hi @bowraven,

Have you managed to sort this out now or do you have any more questions?

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